Rock, Paper, Scissors


Martini / Cocktail
Created: Thomas Waugh, 2011, Death & Company
Recipe from Death & Co
Uploaded by: @alex


112 oz
Zacapa 23 Rum
34 oz
Carpano Antica Formula Vermouth
12 oz
Warre's Otima 10 Tawny Port
212 tsp
Marie Brizard Crème de Cacao (White)
212 tsp
Alchemia Chocolate Vodka
1 dash
Bittermens Xocolatl Mole Bitters
1 dash
Angostura aromatic bitters

Stir it Up

  1. Stir all ingredients over ice
  2. Strain into martini glass

Notes & Review

Note: I used 360 Double Chocolate vodka instead of Alchemia since I couldn't find it anywhere. Very drinkable, but came off too chocolately (what?!) and too sweet for me. Could have been my substitution but I think regardless, it's a lot of chocolately sweetness with both the creme de cacao and chocolate vodka. The latter I don't really understand.. why even add it? If I made again I'd maybe leave out, up the rum to 2 oz, and do a full 1 tbsp (3 tsp) of creme de cacao instead of 2 1/2 tsp to make up for the lost 2 1/2 tsp of chocolate vodka. Still, very tasty, especially for chocolate lovers.

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